Frequently Asked Questions

Simply visit the signup flow to book a cleaning and as you provide information about your house and schedule, your quote will dynamically adjust.
No, you’re only charged based on the amount of time your cleaner was actually at your home working. If they finish early, you aren’t charged the full amount quoted.
However, if you don’t have supplies, we can bring them for an additional charge of $10 per visit ($15 for move-in/out cleanings). You can opt-in to this option from your customer dashboard. Also, you can click here to see a list of items to have on hand. Please note: we always use your vacuum and mop/bucket so please be sure to have those items on-hand.
You are not charged until after the cleaning has been completed. Your invoice will reflect only the amount of time that your cleaner was actually at your home working, rounded-up to the nearest 15 minute increment.
Here’s a listing of what gets cleaned in every room of your house during a standard cleaning. You can also request extra items via your customer dashboard.